When the Blues & Jazz Got Married

Come and listen to the music that defines a nation. It began with Jazz in New Orleans. Then the Blues took it up along the plantations of the Mississippi. Come learn how these two distinct musical style co-mingled, moved north to the Cities after the Civil War and later combined to create Rock n’ Roll. Join us on this great adventure and get your MoJo on.
The Headwaters of the Mississippi

Let us guide your group to NW Minnesota and the birthplace of the mighty Mississippi River. Stand next to a large pine log carved with yellow letters that marks the beginning of the great river’s 2,552-mile route across America, from Minnesota’s north woods to the Gulf of Mexico. This itinerary will take you from the Headwaters, past the confluence with the Missouri and into St Louis and the Gateway Arch.
St. Louis & The Mother Road

This short four day features St Louis, as the largest city on Route 66 between Los Angeles and Chicago. You’ll spend a day with sights to the north and another day touring the south, you learn of history and life on what Steinbeck called “The Mother Road” in his vivid portrait, The Grapes of Wrath. You hear about Americana, family vacations, early tourist marketing as tap your toes to Nat King Cole’s “Won’t you get hip, to this timely tip, Get your kicks on Route 66..”